I didn't post as planned yesterday because I spent most of my evening/night writhing in pain on my bed. My painkiller finished yesterday and I thought I was fine as I didn't have much pain during the day. The more time passed however the more my 'trouble spot' throbbed. (My trouble spot is this one area near my lower front teeth that feels like all the powerchains in the world are anchored to it, painkillers don't stop it from hurting completely, they just kind of take the edge off). By the time it clicked in my head that I needed to ask for a refill it was too late for me to text my doctor. I had a awful night, and awful morning and was literally in tears for much of that time. I texted my doctor at 9am and she called in my prescription, and asked me to stop by so she could make sure there was nothing wrong.
This was my second post-op visit, and although it was only 5 days after the last one my surgeon, Dr. B was pleased at the progress I had made since the last post-op. I have improved lip continence, my hygiene is still great and more of my swelling has gone. She also said that my smile was better as well which is probably due to the increased feeling I'm getting in my lips. One of the junior doctors wanted to take my stitches out but Dr. B said I was keeping them so clean that it was safe to leave them in for another week :S see how good hygiene gets rewarded kids! lol They said that the pain was just due to the stretching etc that the nerve experiences during surgery and it was nothing to worry about.
I've been feeling a bit down and out after the last 24 hours so I'll be keeping this short and sweet. Just wanted to share how I've been 'brushing' my teeth.
I do two major cleanings during the day after breakfast and before I go to bed. Whenever I drink something substantial during the day I do a quick cleaning with a salt water rinse or my waterpik (on the lowest setting).
My major cleanings I
1) Use sensodyne foaming gel toothpaste to brush my front teeth and my bands on the side
2) Use my waterpik.
The foaming toothpaste foams through any spaces around my teeth and splint and gets to the backs of my teeth and the rest of my splint. The waterpik helps to dislodge any particles, and if i hold it up to my front teeth it flushes the splint as well. Also, the jet of water albeit weak helps to spread the toothpaste in the direction of my splint and tongue.
3) I then rinse with my mouthwash, making sure to swish it around good so it also gets to the back of my mouth. While doing this I rub the backs of my teeth with my tongue and rub my tongue against the roof of my mouth to get rid of any fuzzies
4) I rinse with my salt water rinse
This gives me a pretty fresh feeling mouth, a clean bill of dental health from my surgeon and even better my mouth and breath smells all fresh and clean :D
Hope this helps any jaw surgery patients who have been having issues with keeping everything clean!
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